Center Channel Recomendations

I am currently using the Martin Logan Cinema. If I went in a different direction which center channels would rival/beat the Cinema. Its hard to find any recomendations about center speakers. I would appreciate all opinions.
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I agree with mezmo.The logans are a very fast speaker, if you break them up you may have a severe problem with timber matching.I used to have the cinema with my ascents and upgraded to the theatre i. I cant imagine having another centre other than a logan when running logans as mains.
I have the Martin Logan Ascent I and use the Theater I for centre. I use a front projector so that size isn't as much of an issue, as it doesn't have to be on top of a set.

I agree that matching timber is key, but I would suggest that a superb Center provides a much more material impact.

I was astonished by the original ML center, the Logos. I upgraded to the Theater I, and was even more impressed. I then upgraded the fronts from ML Aerius Is to the ML Ascents!

I didn't realize how much information came from the center until the theater I and having a dedicated power amp.

You might find like me, that the center channel may actually drive your choice in the rest of your system!

Best of luck
Revel Ultima Voice. Picked one up on ebay and it may be the best center channel at any price. I also have Salons so the fit is perfect.