Most overpriced audio component made

Are all audio components overpriced? It seems when I try to trade in a used piece that I paid 2000 for and I'm offered 175, I wonder if I paid too much in the first place.
Sounds as if your like most of us.We want to believe the hype we read.There are so many differences of opinion,the reviewers are bag men for the Mfgs.The press for EVERY product says theirs is the BEST.Can't all be true.Taking the stuff home is about all we can do.However, the journey is as much of the fun, as the destination;it has to be, 'cause you're never gonna get there-Somebody keeps moving the bar.
Anything from Bose is overpriced, but then their stuff may not qualify as an audio component.
Any piece of wire over a coupla hundred bucks still strikes me as ridiculous. I've already taken some heat for my views, but I still say there only so much engineering and materials that can go into a power cord or interconnect. JL
Cables, Cables, Cables! This category has most alarming and glaring examples of overpriced products. When comparing what cables deliver in sound value to what speaker and electronics have been providing consumers, today's most expensive cables are laughable over priced rip offs. Pick your favorite culpable maunfacturer.