Best and Worst customer service?

My vote goes for Sonic Frontiers, as Best! I was contacted within an hours, after e-mailing a question. Wery friendly and helpfull!(they can count me-in on the next purchase) Thw Worst? Linn audio! It's been over a month since i submited a Q! I am stll e-mailing the question...i am sort of amused by now!
there is no doubt that the worst customer service. hands down, is Sony. I purchased a XBR rear projection tv and have had absolutely nothing but problems since day one. Sony has no field reps. no customer service and does ot give a damn that I spent over four grand for a piece of junk.I can not ever find a qualified repair shop to fix it, as the last "technician" who "serviced" it made it worse, and ledt his hair(!) and dirt on the inside of the screen! He refused to come back to clean the inside of the screen (P.J. tv repair, Brick, NJ). but only after I took a day off from work to wait for him to fix the mess he made. Sony hass no interest whatsoever in the multitude of problems I had with this "top of the line" piece of junk.
The best coustomer service I feel is from Sonic Frontiers. They are responsive, and actually care if their customers are satisified with their purchases. McCormick si also quite good, although getting them on the phone can be a bit frustrating.
Probably the best service I've had was from Balanced Audio Technology. I got great technical support from Victor for a very minor problem (a dead LED). We determined what the problem was and wasn't, and then he FedExed me a new pair of suitable LEDs, all before they had received my warranty registration. I'm sure he had better things to do.
BEST-Von Schweikert Audio...Bought a used pair of VR-6s that
developed some cracks in the vaneer. Speakers were about
two year old and normally would still be under warranty, but unfortunately VSR went out of business because of the flood. I thought I was shit out of luck.
When Von Schweikert resurfaced,(this time in Ca.), I called Albert and explained my problem. Albert expressed his regret and then offered to replace the VR-6s with a brand new pair of VR-7s paying only the difference in their respective retail prices. Needless to say I ended up coming out ahead on the whole deal and am extremly happy.
Best-Dunlavy Drew Rigby. Smart, friendly and helpful. From speaker placement to finishes.

Worst-Paypay. To call it customer service is to define oxymoron. There is no service at all. Only boilerplate computer generated email.
Best: Martin Logan, Madrigal, Krell, and Faroudja. Martin Logan not only has supported panel replacements on my unit (not free--but very reasonable), they have even given me some engineering help for modifications. I really can't say enough about the personal attention and help I've gotten every time I've called. My calls are returned very promptly and I've always been helped. I do understand ML's postion on drop shipping. It can create real problems with dealers, and mail order and deep discounters. It's too bad that some have felt cheated on this policy--but it is a business decision that one has to make and stick to. I'm not in the audio business--medical in fact--and it's true there too. When you make these kinds of policies there are a few individuals that suffer from it--but overall the company and it's dealer realtionships thrive. I know when you are that individual it doesn't really seam that way--even your dealer wants to help you--but it's the protection of the other dealers that's at stake. ML is against mail order and deep discounts (they only allow 10%). Their interest is in protecting the dealer--not hurting the customer.

Madrigal, Krell, and Faroudja have also given me excellent customer service. Quick turnaround time and personalized service. It's much appreciated--and it keeps the customer coming back.

Worst: I didn't know Sony had a customer service department--I thought it was just a phone system.