Top Audio Designers Of All Time?

We have all had fun and world of info have spilled forth from Audiogon members. Lets give ourselves a round of applause. From me a sincere "Well Done" to all members that have participated. I have learned a great deal. In this thread,which may be a little esoteric for some,lets hear from members that support certain designers. After all if not for their dedication and genius,we would not have the topic or equipment. Ill start the thread for the inventor Thomas Alva Edison.For it was his revolution,that we now find ourselves here. In the more contemporary era I vote for Nelson Pass. His white paper on Cascode/Stasis toplogy was and is truly ground breaking. In my opinion since 1975,other designs are a variation on a theme of Pass.
I guess it matters what era we are talking about. Certainly all the above menetioned designers,have given the audiophile world worthy designs that have stood the test of time. Heres my list,if I cant remember the designer will list the company. 1.Saul Marantz 2.Avery Fisher 3.Dave Bogen 4.Dr. Sydney Harmon 5.Nelson Pass 6.Mark Levinson 7.Frank Van Alstine 8.CM Labs 9.John Curl 10.Henry Kloss Dont take this list in any order,I just listed these 10 as my favorites. What really saddens me is that many of the famous marques of the past are now just shells of what was once proud names in audio.
I'm sure if David Hafler read this thread he would be crushed if he wasn't mentioned as he should be.
Well we have all forgotten one of the more important figures in audio,that is Joe Grado.Since 1953 this company now run by his son,has redefined the art of the phono cartridge.Here is a company that has remained over the years and continues to thrive,despite the digital age.And to my knowledge has never produced a lackluster product. If it say Grado on it,you know its heirtage.
Have to tip my hat to all of the great names that were submitted here. Perhaps I can vote for all of them, and add a few that were not yet mentioned. Dick Sequerra(too many great products to list), Richard Modafieri(Infinite Slope Crossover), John Bowers(B & W), and Irving(Bud) Fried. Regrettably, there are many others, I just can't come up with them off the top of my head.