Best Web site for Audio.

Part of my continuing effort to pick your brains and the result of organizing my web folders (Geeez). What are the best several Web sites ( 5 max) you know for either audio-tech or music related materials. A site that would really be the MOST HELPFUL TO OTHERS IS, of course, BEST. To start things out.

1)( Real 101 stuff. Ray won't make you an audio designer but its short, fairly well written, and to the point.

2)( World tube Audio Portal is billed as the biggest tube site on the Web and well...I can't find the end of it.

three web sites by audio junkies that I like to browse.

3)( Rod Elliot with all kinds of elec/tech articles and info.

4)( Art Ludwig. Spend 15 minutes here if you haven't already.

5)( Scott Anderson on Coltrane. Nice paper on his development 1960- to his death.

Lots of others but there is 5.

Sincerly, I remain
Thanks Albert for allmusic and thanks Clueless for bringing the topic up in the first place.
Albert, I too must thank you for the Allmusic site. I've searched hours, days, who knows how long for such information and such a site. And thank you, Clueless, for starting this post.