absolute best component you ever owned

I am sure we all have a truely favorite component, be it speakers, amp, TT, listening chair, etc. What are your favorites?
My Electrovoice Sentry II studio monitors. Sadly rotated out of service because they were Too Big. Other speakers reproduce her voice very impressively, but you gotta understand, the singer is really inside these speakers--singing through the grille fabric--that's really her behind that curtain! Agh, words fail me.
The rug I hung about 2.5" out from the back wall of my room that got in-room frequency response to within +/- .5dB from 1kHz up. At $150 including hardware, it's the cheapest component of the system, best improvement I ever made.

You can take my speakers... Just leave my rug! :)

Tivo, (TV personal recorder). I own about $30,000.00 worth of audio equipment. For $500 (300 for unit, 200 for lifetime service)Tivo is definitely the best bang for the buck. Any quests that spend anytime using my Tivo are hooked and go buy one. Tivo is my favorite piece, keep in mind I have pre-amps that cost $5000, but enjoy how much time Tivo saves me. You will never say the words "Darn, nothing good on TV today" Once you can pause live tv, or better yet, rewind live tv, you will never want to go without that ability. I've watched tv for 1 yr now with Tivo and have never had to watched a commercial yet !!! I can watch a football game in about 1.5 hrs. This is truly an amazing product who time has come. If you have never heard of personal recorders, check into it, you'll be glad you did.