Out of Control

I was looking at one of my highend mags the other day. And looking at the spec's of some speakers and find it hard to believe the outragous prices. I mean does it really get that much better at 10k, 15k, 30k and up. I've listened to speakers in the 25k range and was not impressed at all. I've been also looking at subs and some of them in the 1,500 and up catagory were paper treated, I always thought woven carbon fiber or poly was used for the top notch and whats with a class G amp in that sub when you spend 3k or better. Let's take power cords at 1k, I audioned one at home and took it a part, I can buy the same material under $100. I cannot really comment to much on amps, but some of the nicer ones above 3k have less parts, to me that means it took less time to build. Tweaks are another one I won't go into. Sometimes you just feel overwelmed. I was just wondering if anyone else gets a bit raddled about this. I know they have to make money, but lets be real. Just a bit bored today, so I thought I'd start a new thread. Don't get me wrong, I still have a few more pieces to add.......
pbb: clever, well-put and practical advice, done with a sense of humor. i applaud you (one hand, only) :o). -cfb
Pbb: Your method attests of exemplary rigour (as we might say in French :>)). To be followed, I say!

BTW (by the way) since Pbb mentions loo reading, most of our matl is OFF hobby: cars & business reviews, cartoons, etc... audiophiles' loo-reading: subject for another thread of psychoanalytical dimensions...?
Sorry to have to table an addendum so soon. Two points to be added: one, wait until all the evidence is in before deciding; two: burden of proving that the component should be adopted by you, lies on the equipment being evaluated and is not the same depending on type, in the case of sources (analog or digital), preamplifiers and speakers, should be on a balance of probabilities- in the case of power amplifiers, should also on a balance of probabilities, but assume it's all circumstantial evidence, (this is based on fuzzy logic, so don't get too technical with me here), in the case of interconnects, speaker cables and items, charitably described as "accessories" or "tweaks", beyond a reasonable doubt. As they sometime say in translation matters: "when in doubt, leave it out" or you may ascribe to the chicken soup theory, "it can't hoyt", this largely depends on the price to be paid. I leave it up to you to decide whether items in these last three categories should be treated as though adopting one and finding out, on sober second thought, that it was just not worth the bother is a capital offence or not. Sorry for the awkward analogies.
Pbb, I find your last post interesting in light of your previous ones (yes, I did go back and read them). You have some good suggestions. But, I am at a loss as to how all of this applies to the "...decent standards in judging a component's performance through the use of human hearing" you mention in a previous post. Your original commentary was clearly opposed to very expensive equipment on the grounds that the differences couldn't possibly justify the cost: "Hearing an irrationally priced piece of equipment is tantamount to going to the Gypsy woman to get your fortune read, even if you don't believe in it, it plays on your mind." But your thoughts in this last post don't seem to support this view. In fact, if I followed your advice I could conceivably find that that "irrationally priced" piece of equipment is indeed the best and worth every cent. So, I am still wondering how you came to your conclusions. Did you use these methods to audition equipment and find that very expensive equipment just wasn't that much better? What equipment have you reviewed?

You also suggest double-blind testing: "Gregm, I have three words for you, which will forever and a day relegate me to the level of the great unwashed tin-eared mid-fi legions: "double blind testing". I'm sorry, I am a sceptic." How does this fit into your method? The point I was trying to make in my original post was that you shouldn't suggest double-blind testing as a refutation of someone's views if you don't plan to use, or have ever used, it yourself.

I was truly interested in the "decent standards" you hinted at. Your reference to double-blind testing led me to believe that you at least had some idea of what they should be. I'll use your own words to apologize if I seem a bit harsh, "Sorry if this looks like the Great Inquisition...."