Analysis Plus Cables?

Anyone using these speaker cables? I'm interested in feedback on their braded silver wire.
I have a pair of Analysis-Plus Silver oval single speaker cable. I found it very good especially considering the price. It is very smooth, almost to smooth, it seems to work best on brighter sounding systems. It also throws a huge soundstage, this is the area where I thought it was the stongest. It is very manageable and easy to hook up as well, compared to some other cables I've tried. Overall for 500.00 I don't think you can do better although I haven't tried them all. Good Luck
Try Ask for Oliver. He provides excellent service.
I wired my entire system (Krell Amp, Pass Labs X-0, 2 sets of speakers: Dynaudio Confidence 3s & Sonus Faber Extremas) with DH Labs Q-10s & Air Matrix interconnects. They sound great. Would Analysis Plus sound better? I have no idea. I think the DH Labs are a little bit cheaper. Has anyone compared these two 'budget' cables?