Speaker Cable upgrade

I would like to upgrade my speaker cable, I current used AQ clear3, how about AQ Dragon(used), or can anybody give me some others comments Iwould appreciate
...i would compare "Dragon" with SR Designer's Reference, they are little cheaper(new) than "dragon" around $4000/10 ft.pair.
AQ clear is very good. It was my cable of choice until I auditioned the Goertz AG 2. Which is the one I upgaded to. I promise you will happily surprised with this cable!
I used AQ Dragon in my system several years ago. I thought it was a real nice cable quite smooth and detailed. I also used AQ Sterling for a brief period and didn't feel I lost much dropping down to Sterling. Since then I've used Transparent Reference (in a Watt Puppy system I no longer have) and Nordost SPM (in my current system). The Transparent is a real nice speaker cable. I believe it is warmer than the SPM. The SPM is a bit brighter but definitely faster and adds more rhythm to the music which I think my current system needs because I'm using tube amps which can be a bit slow. But - if I were in the market for a speaker cable right now I would be inclined to seriously consider one of the new kids on the block - either Harmonic or Analysis Plus. I bought the Harmonic digital cable to replace my Illuminati D-60 and I'm quite pleased.