Best Interconnects and/or Speaker Cable

What are the best interconnects or speaker cable you have ever heard and why? Price is no object.
I just bought some Audio Note AN-Vz interconnects, and they are easily the best I've ever heard. Maybe the best I'll ever hear. Indescribably live-sounding. The music jumps out the speakers. The music has all kinds of texture, dimension, air. . . Bass is way, way down. Trebles, sweet. Mids, right there. These guys are expensive, but worth every penny. They retail for about $3000 a meter, but you can get them for closer to $1000 a meter, here. I understand that if you have connections in Japan, you can get them at a real good price. If you do, please notify me-- I'd like to pick up their SPz speaker cable made of the same stuff. Feel free to write to discuss any of this further. Jeff
The Audio Notes have the respect of the designer of Stealth cables. I have 10 Stealth cables in my Stereophile Class A system, including power cords and digital, and I've have "name brands" before (though not Audio Note). I suggest you try them on their 30 money-back guarantee. Don't be put off by the relatively low prices. These are wonderful cables!
MIT 350 Shotgun EVO interconnects, because they've beaten all the others I've compared in every performance aspect. The balanced 330 Shotgun ones are about 95% as good, and the 330 Shotgun RCA are about 75% as good. Harmonic Technology Pro Silway 2 RCA was about 45% as good. Cardas Netral Reference RCA was about 40% as good. AudioTruth Diamond X3 was about 65% as good...............I've not yet heard speaker cables that are the equal of these 350 EVO interconnects yet, and couldn't afford them if I did. My AudioTruth Dragon Plus speaker cable is definitely not as good as these MIT interconnects, at least with my Krell amp. I had Kimber Select 3033, and didn't like it near as much as Dragon. The little MIT Terminator 3 speaker cable is better than most affordable speaker cables, and even beats the Dragon in several ways (for only $65, plus termination!). I'm still trying to decide if I like the T3 better in every way than Kimber 8TC; it's very possible..........I'd like to try the new MIT Oracle speaker interfaces, but can't afford them yet. If price is no object for you, all you'll need is the time it'll take to make your own comparisons in your own system, so you're way ahead of me (having the $$). Keep in mind that you'll never be satisfied until you DO compare for yourself, and good luck.