Best Interconnects and/or Speaker Cable

What are the best interconnects or speaker cable you have ever heard and why? Price is no object.
this is more of a question than a response After browseing around audiogon What I want to know is what on earth makes a used pair of 12 foot speaker cables worth $3000.00? were they flown into outer space for oxygen free soldering? really people is stereo going the way of the Harley Davidson over priced and often imitated? I was thinking of buying some new equipment but after seeing that high end audio is worth more than My 248 acre farm I think ILL stick to My 25 year old stuff that by the way works as good now as the day I bought it and I paid a lot less for it than I did for My Corvette
Phew! Didn't I just read that NBS cables are rebundled Belden industrial wires? Let's face it: most cables are tone controls, and as such may affect your system in ways you find pleasing or displeasing; correlation between price and performance satisfaction is weak. Small gauge leans up bass, high capacitance rolls off treble, etc. But I wonder if Nordosts "speed" claims are hype or not?
If you are not into completely throwing money away, check out the Tara Labs RSC series or the "one", "two", and newly introduced "three" series. Good value for the money. Yes, Nordost are very fast cables, but sometimes in their lesser cables this leads to leading and following edge hardness in the midrange with solid state gear. Their higher priced cables are very neutral and are considered by many to be a good match for all electronics. As always, system synergy is what you are after, cables should bring all the components together and allow them to operate as one..... producing an overall sound that is pleasing, but yet still allowing all the individual components to do what they were designed to excel at. Experience from listening is the only way to find the right combination, and it can take forever to find the "right" combination.
My cable experience in my system has been MIT musiclink (pre network boxes), Kimber PBJ and 8TC, and Tara Ref. Gen. 2. I recently cabled up with MIT Shotgun interconnects RCA and MH 750 series 3. It made my system, Meridian, CJ, Classe, and old Polk 2.3's extremely involving and as natural sounding as my son jamming on his Martin acoustic in the room.
ANALYSIS PLUS,they are fairly priced and very neutral. no need to mention brands that i have tried costing in the thousands of dollars,NONE have match the performance i get from the ANALYSIS PLUS.