Speaker cables for CJ/Thiel

I have a CJ Prem 11A with CJ Prem 16LS pre and Thiel 2.3's.Looking for input on a good speaker cable in the 1000.00 range.Would like to use Transparent or Purist but may be above my budget for now.Also read good reviews on MIT 750 Shotguns.Any thoughts? Thanks
Using Divinity (Alpha Core) with my Thiel 3.6s. These wires or more appropriately ribbons improved the speakers significantly and cut the high end stridency often mentioned for the Thiel line.
I use Alpha-Cores as well. I don't have Theil speakers so I can't comment on that, but I do have CJ amps and love the Alpha-Cores on them. Priced well within your budget as well.
The Thiels will reveal any brightness in your components. Transparent cables will tone this down somewhat. I have a triple parallel run of Ocos cables (incredible soundstaging and depth) to a pair of CS 2.2's, and this sounded better than Transparent Musicwave Plus. The high end and subtle airiness was slightly muted with these, so I would look at at least Musicwave Super, depending on your budget.