Spkr Cble- Analysis Oval 9- reviews?

Hi. Looking for a speaker cable recommendation. System is Jeff Rowland Concentra Integrated amp; Sim Audio Eclipse CD Player; Totem Mani-2 speakers; Cardas Golden Cross interconnects. What do you think of the Analysis Plus Oval 9 with this setup?? Thanks. Sutts
I know I'm off this tread, but has anyone listened to the Alpha-Core Goertz MI2 Veracity. I have yet to hear these but they will be going between an Ayre V3 and Maggie 1.6's bi-wired? Just thought I would ask. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
I hate to admit it ... Carl was right. The Oval 9s are not as clean as Harmonic Tech but have their own positives such as 3D soundstaging and tone (IMHO). But, good news, the Silver Ovals are in a whole different class not exhibiting the negatives heard in the Oval 9. I also substituted the new Nirvana SX interconnect for my Harmonic ProSilway MKII (between SACD player and EVS attenuator). This cable reveals the distortion in the HT interconnect. It extremely revealing with better soundstaging - big upgrade (price is $1295 vs $399 for HT).
What do you mean, you hate to admit it? I have nothing personal against you, so why should you against me?
Carl- You can get EVS attenuators fron Rick Schulz at tweakaudio.com.....if your into passives he's the man. He also does mods on certain stuff and has lots of very cool tweaks.