Spkr Cble- Analysis Oval 9- reviews?

Hi. Looking for a speaker cable recommendation. System is Jeff Rowland Concentra Integrated amp; Sim Audio Eclipse CD Player; Totem Mani-2 speakers; Cardas Golden Cross interconnects. What do you think of the Analysis Plus Oval 9 with this setup?? Thanks. Sutts
Carl- You can get EVS attenuators fron Rick Schulz at tweakaudio.com.....if your into passives he's the man. He also does mods on certain stuff and has lots of very cool tweaks.
Nothing personally meant toward you Carl. Its hard to admit my first impressions of the Oval 9 were wrong. No big deal. Gold point also sells attenuators at goldpt.com. I looking to change mine since I changed my amp from McCormack DNA2 to Bel Canto EVo (100K vs 20K input impedence respectively). Looking at which product is better designed.
OK, no problem. Yeah, I just thought the attenuators would be neat to try, but I don't think there's any "auditioning" with the EVS ones. I'll have to check out these Gold Point ones. What's their website?
Responding to Gary's query : I cant say enough good things about Goertz MI2. Used with both my Acoustat 2+2 'stats and Totem's Sttaf speakers and Bryston electronics, the Goertz totally surpasses any other wire that I have ever tried. It has the ideal combination of detail and warmth with no apparent colorations at all. [Sadly I have not tried A+ yet. But then again I no longer feel the need.]