Just bought Planar - 25 with out cartdtridge and was thinking about the GRADO SONATA($500.) but since I can't audition everything I would like some thoughts or sugestions on cartridges in the under $800. range?
Funperson,have you personally heard a Grado hum? Please tell how it was annoying.Alan,do a search of Grado and read a couple posts about the Grado "hum" This has been covered before and all I will say is it is not an issue.With a 1.5mv output it wont exist.If your willing to spend a bit more the Grado Master is killer! They list for $800 but I'm sure you could talk Audio Advisor out of one for $700.Try Sound City also,when I got my Grado they beat Audio Advisors lowest price by 10% Be sure to ask for Joe,he is the only decent sales associate there.
Wow,I just noticed how old this thread is.Alan,if your still around let us know what you went with.
The Rega Exact is a great match with the 25, although definitely not as "cool" as the Grado's as far as hifi geeks are concerned. I think it is more tonally accurate than the Grado and the setup is a snap. A very fun combo.
All Rega cartridges are one trick ponys. They rock well. Bass is overblown, sucked out mids, and a high end that'll make you wish your speakers rolled off at 5K. The Grado is far more versatile and musical. The low output version wii cause no hum problems. The Rega cartridges are as overpriced as a Linn small feat!
While I think longplate overstates the issue the Rega Super Eylys I used was not the equal of the Grado.Hum is only a problem in a few setups and can be contained by adding a sheet of Mu-metal under the mat.Grado's rock!!!