Cables for Tenor/Kharma/Capitole MKI

Searching for an improvement in my system I am in the proccess of changing to Kharma 3.2 Speakers and I would like to know the best cables (Power, Interconnects and Loudspeakers) for the combo Tenor 75wi/Kharma 3.2/AA Capitole MKI.
Now I am using cardas Golden Reference IC and Loudspeakers cables and the Powercords included with the amps.

I would appreciate all suggestions
All that use the Tenor/Kharma combo use the Nordost Valhalla speaker and I.C.'s. For Powercords the Elrod Sig 3's
I have seen also people using Jena Labs and Kharma cables for IC and loudspeakers but I don't know the sonic characteristics and virtues of the different manufacturers and models: Jena Labs Simphony, Valkyre, Kharma Enigma, Gran Reference, Supreme Reference, Nordost Valhalla, etc

And I am looking for the best price/quality relation. Any advice?
I have real doubts with respect to whether all Tenor/Kharma owners use the Elrod/Valhalla combination. This is not intended as a critcism of either product. Cable choice tends to be a very personal decision dictated in large part by the preferences of the listener. this is not to say that some cables are not decidedly better than others, but that within the top ranks, different products may have different virtues and represent different trade-offs. Given that your starting point (Cardas Golden Reference, stock power cords) represents the low end of what is available, I think that you will hear decided improvements as you replace existing cables and suggest that you take the time to audition as many as practicable before making a final choice. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.
Chuck- Name a few examples???

I know a fair amount of kharma/tenor users(most have used the capitole mkI or/and mkII) and I have compared a good many cables on said system and have always preffered Jena Labs. Valhalla's, Nirvana, Silent Source, various Cardas cables, Kharma's enigma cables are a few that I have experience with using that same combo and the Jena's are always the overall leader. Some cables will do one thing a hair better at the sacrifice of 5 other things on a much larger scale- the Jena's just seem to do everything right and get out of the way. Most all people using that combo of gear are using Jena Labs- the exception would be Mikelavigne- who is using Valhalla's and elrods, with transparent opus mm speaker cables- he can not arrange to get a full system of Jena labs for comparing because he needs an awful lot of cables in some long lengths.

As much as I like the Jena Labs I agree with Fcrowder, cables in particular power cords are a VERY personal and system dependent addition to your system and you should try them before you buy them.