Cables, Interconnects and More Cables???

I am trying to upgrade my system cables on a limited budget and I'm curious where the best overall values are into todays market. I have an Ah! Tjoeb CD Player into a Rotel RA-971 preamp into a Rotel RB-981 power amp driving B&W 603's and a B&W ASW 2000 sub. I have been using older Audioquest cables and its time to upgrade. Whats the word?
You guys are just joking right......Radio Shack speaker wire $20 for 50ft........Why not buy a Radio Shack CD player there for home stereo $200...... Regards.....Sam
BMP, you can feel like it was a "synergy thing" if you like, cause I certainly feel that way about the HT, since I've heard them also (at least the intertconnects). I even prefer the cheap Wireworld Atlantis 2 interconnect to the HT Silway 2, and this is either with HD600 headphones, or with my amp and speakers. I think the newfangledness of the HT stuff has lost its luster, and there are other interesting new wire companies springing up all the time. I'm even going to try a few of them. I don't expect them to beat my MIT cables, especially the top of the line ones...
Thanks Jkingtut for the vote of confidence. How about a new thread on the sound of the upmarket stuff when you get a chance? FYI Sam, I biwired my Threshold S/350e to a pair of ProAc Tablette 2000 Signatures with the Radio Shack flat 14 gauge megacable. One month later it still sounds musical, inviting and simply wonderful. So in my case at least, spanking new shiny copper wire = happy stereo rat. And with 10 feet and four spades to spare the total cost was $29.97 + sales tax, 60/40 solder, and some heat. At least go look at the stuff. Then sneak home and hook it up :-) Allow about a week for break-in, or five minutes, whichever comes first. Seriously, if you've crippled some voracious speakers with a wimpy amp I can understand the need for better wire and assorted band-aids. But if you've chosen your components wisely, and they were designed well enough to mate effectively in the first place, the less the conductors between them are going to matter. Remember the DeLorean in Back to the Future? It ran on garbage. Now there's brilliant design in the extreme.
Let's not go off the deep end, here. A conductor is in series with the signal it passes, thus it has total effect on it.
I've had extremely good luck with Synergistic Research. They are very neutral sounding and have cables & interconnects at all price levels. Good luck finding the right combination.