Cables, Interconnects and More Cables???

I am trying to upgrade my system cables on a limited budget and I'm curious where the best overall values are into todays market. I have an Ah! Tjoeb CD Player into a Rotel RA-971 preamp into a Rotel RB-981 power amp driving B&W 603's and a B&W ASW 2000 sub. I have been using older Audioquest cables and its time to upgrade. Whats the word?
You'll never know till you try. Not all cables even use metal conductors, some use carbon fibre, and will sound consistent for eons. In general, specialty cable manufacturers make quality products, and take care to slow the oxidation process. Silver oxide even conducts electricity, where copper oxide doesn't..........Anyway, "Rock", you aren't alone. Most folks think all of this audiophile stuff is "hooha", mostly because they don't care about music enough to play it on anything other than a clock radio or boombox. Doesn't mean they know something we don't, it means quite the opposite. Food for thought....
THE FINAL WORD.... Believe it or not I had the "cheap" RS stuff on my system before I bought the Audioquest cables. And for the vast majority of the “unmusical and they like it that way” public these are EXCELLENT cables. They are at least a vast improvement over many other so called audio cables - many costing much more mula. I moved to the Audioquest cables and was satisfied with the "slight - but noticeable" increase in sound quality - even with the exponential price increase. But - since all of the hoopla on this thread and after doing much more research on my own - guess what I finally bought.... I went to AudioAdvisor and could not resist the great deal they were giving on MIT Terminator 2. I bought interconnects and speaker cables and I have conscientiously been burning them in for the last 200 hours straight (my wife hates me now but I still have another 200 hours to go). I think (and that is all that really matters) that they have given my system a tremendous jump in overall sound quality. I am already hearing things in my Vinyl and CD’s that I have never heard before. So… I came…. I posted…. I listened…. I researched…. I laughed…. I responded… And then I bought the Terminator 2’s.. And I am happy…. Nuff said…
THE FINAL WORD.... Believe it or not I had the "cheap" RS stuff on my system before I bought the Audioquest cables. And for the vast majority of the “unmusical and they like it that way” public these are EXCELLENT cables. They are at least a vast improvement over many other so called audio cables - many costing much more mula. I moved to the Audioquest cables and was satisfied with the "slight - but noticeable" increase in sound quality - even with the exponential price increase. But - since all of the hoopla on this thread and after doing much more research on my own - guess what I finally bought.... I went to AudioAdvisor and could not resist the great deal they were giving on MIT Terminator 2. I bought interconnects and speaker cables and I have conscientiously been burning them in for the last 200 hours straight (my wife hates me now but I still have another 200 hours to go). I think (and that is all that really matters) that they have given my system a tremendous jump in overall sound quality. I am already hearing things in my Vinyl and CD’s that I have never heard before. So… I came…. I posted…. I listened…. I researched…. I laughed…. I responded… And then I bought the Terminator 2’s.. And I am happy…. Nuff said…
Sorry about the double posting - These damn infernal computers anyway. Must be my telephone cable... Does anyone know of a good Cat5 cable on a budget?
I don't off hand, sorry, Dcaseyb, but I'm glad to hear that someone has finally followed my recomendations. Cheers...Carl