Power Cords

I am looking for a new power cord (two meters long is sufficient). I would use it on a Adcom GFP-750 now and possibly move it to a Classe CA-201 amp later on if I get a second cord. I have heard a lot about the MIT Z Cord 2, some of the Synergistic research cords and all of the Powersnakes. I would definately buy used and am willing to spend up to $700 (though I wouldn't mind getting something less expensive). Thanks for your thoughts!
Can people actually hear the differences in power cords? isn't this getting out of hand?
Yes, quite easily. Go get one on trial from a local dealer and compare it to a stock wire. Of course, it won't really matter if your equipment is not very good, but it definately affects good gear. Go listen for yourself.
Art Dudley editor from Listener stated in the recent issue that he couldn't hear the difference in power cords and he certainly has good gear. I agree with the postings that state listen for yourself in your system and make up your own mind.
Hey Lihifiguy - where did you get the most improvement with your EEL's? I just got one but my Meridian transport crapped out and had to be sent in for service - 30 days they want to keep it!!!! I'm using an old Rotel in the meantime. I'm burning it in on a Classe Amp and have noticed a nice improvement over MIT and SR Master but won't do any critical listening until I get my Meridian back.