Power cords at ridiculous prices?

Seems to me there's no shortage of "black magic" out there, people spending $1000 on power cords? If the equipment you own is well designed with hefty power supplies and adequate capacitive filtering on-board, the grunge from the AC lines will be dealt with. I'm not discounting upgrading stock cords with something of a little better quality, but it seems to me spending the equivalent of a mortgage payment, on a piece of wire, makes us audiophiles the subject of ridicule by any reasonable person. Okay, I'll stand back now and take my lumps....
Carl is oh so right, that expensive 6ft cord dosen't just transmit electricity, good cords use elaborate metals, sheilding, special conductor windings, other special conditioning elements or materials to clean and condition electric current.......if you analyze the current entering the cable and exiting the cable it should be much cleaner and more stable, making it much more useful to component it is attached to......if you think this is a bunch of BS you shouldn't be buying aftermarket cords, regards Sam
All the above statements have their merits, but no one has mentioned power conditioners. If you could have a device between that the gunk coming out of the wall(emi,surges,etc) that can keep current at a stable medium and then connect that aftermarket cord with all that it is offering what differences could you REALLY hear. I use a changlightspeed conditioner with my gear and I really believe that this unit makes a difference when using a aftermarket cord. Good listening
Carl, I readily admit a power cord can make a difference, but I take the position that they should be used as part of an overall electric service upgrade. Doing so will maximize the effect of the power cord. Megasam, power cords are passive, at best they provide some filtering. They cannot enhance the electricity. You need a power line conditioner, an active device, to accomplish that. "elaborate metals", "special conductor windings" -- don't believe the hype!
South43, I agree, I love my Chang, but don't use it for the power amps............Highwayman, I don't doubt that optimizing your house wiring and circuitry is a huge benefit, but there's no need in saying it's a "must" BEFORE you even try a highend cord. Also, my Chang is indeed a power filter, but it is NOT active, so this idea that filters must be active, to be effective, is in error. I'm all for the performance the PS units allow, but they consume far too much power for me right now, and cost too much. I'll get a used one sometime, perhaps. I don't think any of you would believe the performance I'm getting from what I've got anyway, though, so I won't waste my time trying to explain.
Onhwy,let me reword my previous post, the reason good AC cords improve the sound is by various means they "enhance" the performance of a components power supply over using stock cord. Let me be more specific, they improve the "dynamic" delivery of current by using high purity conductors(silver, 6N copper etc), improved connectors each end, superior soldering or fusion etc.....but most important they control and filter electro-magnetic fields created by current in the "critical" 6ft leading up to component by using various techniques......that is why some of these cables are 2 inches or more in diameter.....the manipulation of these variables results in different sounds various AC cords have, I don't think it is hype, I hear significant differences, BTW I have no electrical background, I just try things and listen, regards Sam