Does anyone know if neutral cables exist

I need a neutral cable so I hook up my system of Conrad-Johnson tube gear. I paid the money to hear the electronics not the cables!!! I don't want to adjust the tonality at all. What can I get that sounds like "no" cables
If your budget allows, try the Nirvana S-X cable ($1295). I bought it before the Stereophile review last issue. Everything stated in the review is true. Steve Creamer at Nirvana has over 200K in test equipment. Chesky Records use Nirvana exclusively. Nirvana also has a nuetral cable called the SL which is about half the cost as the S-X. I compare HT Prosilway, Audioquest Anaconda, and Siltek silver (maybe G200) and nothing compares.
From my experience, I seem agree with Stereophile's assessment of Audioquest. They seem to sound midway between the "soft" cables like MIT(see a LOT of Krell people with these...) & Monster, and the "forward" cables Straightwire, Wireworld, Kimber. Maybe you should try. Look at the ones between their cheap stuff, and the real expensive ones. That being said, I really don't use Audioquest, I have one cable in one of my systems.
Tough luck finding these 'neutral' cables. They simply do not exist. All cables carry various resistance/capacitance/inductance more or less and some with less shielding than others or none at all. All these factors make a cable its own sonic signature. The name of the game is to find the right cables to match your system synergy.
All of the above responses are excellent. The idea of keeping the cables (inc. speaker cables) short is correct. I have been lucky enough to have many of the most well thought of brands and models. My experience leads to the Nordost Quattrofil's as being the most neutral...system to system. However, perhaps, the interconnect cable that gave the most pleasure in listening, was the Wireworld Gold Eclipse III. If it was the most accurate or not, is up to many opinions.....however, if you listen to Jazz and female vocale (such as Diana Krall, etc.) the Gold Eclipse III will provide nearly sensual pleasure.
AlbertPorter is dead on, re "neutrality"!...............I'm trying a one meter Gold Eclipse III RCA interconnect right now, besides VERY many others. With either my tube power amplifier, or tubed headphone amplifier, I feel that it is very smooth, so much so that the treble range takes on (mostly) the same character, no matter which recording. All the other cables I'm trying don't do this. However, the GE3 is perhaps the least fatigueing silver interconnect I've ever heard (even though the treble range is still the slightest bit forward). It is a "very nice" cable, definitely worth the used price, IMO..................One thing I'm finding is that it is almost impossible to get that "tube midrange" that I'm after with a silver interconnect (my amp is NOT a 300B, or 2A3). However, this "midrange" CAN be had with my silver speaker cable (Dragon plus), provided the interconnect is copper...or perhaps gold..............Cardas makes "neutral reference" cables, and my experience with them has been that they are neither "neutral", nor a "reference". However, the name supposedly implies a consistent character, with regard to "no matter what length, they 'sound the same'". I have no idea whether this is true. It could be, I suppose, at least in a practical sense.