Silver cables - Great price!!

Has anyone out there in audio-land used the silver interconnects being sold by a new company called "Home Grown Audio"? I saw a comment in one of the threads about them, commenting that they are silver interconnects at very low prices. I decided to check out their Web page, and I want to share the news with other 'philes. I have no connection in any way with this company, but I think their products and pricing deserve serious attention from anyone who wants to save money on high-end cabling. The name of the company is "HomeGrownAudio", and their 999.999% pure, all-silver cables sell for $70 per 1-meter pair, or $40 in DIY kit form (you do the assembly and soldering). Their lower-priced interconnect has silver positive leads, and copper negative returns (ala the Kimber Silver Streak), and are priced at $40 ($24 for DIY kit). I ordered 2 kits for the all-silver interconnect, and will report back after I have assembled and used them. In the meantime, check out their Web site:
Addendum to most recent posting. Right after I posted the follow up on Homegrown Audio's Super Silver cables this morning UPS delivered my new (used) Harmonic Tech. Pro AC11 powercord. I replaced the stock cord on my CAL Icon MKII and (what else) began listening immediatley. I have gone through most of the cuts that I felt had some LF problems with the new interconnects and now do not have any complaints regarding their portrayal of the LF's. It seems that I have now gained another half octave (from the source) of useable bass and the interconnects produce it well. By improving the source the LF got better, much better (the previous lack of warmth was not the fault of the interconnects). Even bass lines from Buena Vista Social Clubs CD's are not only realistic but are also much more defined (would someone please fly to Cuba and overhall that gentleman's bass amp). The kick drums are also more beleivable and everthing else is just as it should be. There are many other areas that have improved with the addition of the PC, but as far as the Super Silver cables go, try them.
I thought I'd post a preliminary review. Before I do, I should tell you something about the equipment they are hooked up to. The Super Silvers connect my Roksan CDP to a B&K Reference 10 A/V Preamp. My power amp is a B&K AV6000 driving a pair of Paradigm Reference Studio 60s. I also have a HSU Research VTF-2 sub. Not a purist system. But then, I like movies too and can't afford separate systems. My musical taste ranges from BIG symphonic and orchestral works to chamber and choral music and from Rock and Pop to Country. So I've put a variety music through the Super Silvers. What does this cable do right? Sound stage galore. I mean, huge...HUGE. I thought my neighbors were going to come over and ask me to kindly remove the violin section from their living room :) I've never heard a wider, taller, deeper sound stage on my system. The presentation was a tad more forward than I am used to; forget front row, you're in the performers laps! With these cables the music was more palapable (I've always wanted to use that word) and had more impact (another good audiophile term). With respect to bass extension it was the tightest, lowest, and richest bass my system has produced. I had already upgraded my power cords so I think the Super Silvers just wrung out the last drop of performace in this area. Percussion was especially nice. Brass sounded very good. But lest you think I believe these cables are the best thing since sliced bread there are some negatives. Extreme highs, especially those produced by metallic instruments, are somewhat harsh. Massed woodwinds sound metallic and thin; though, oddly, solo woodwinds seem pretty accurate (I used to play clarinet). But the worst problem is the female voice. When Joni Mitchell sings on her latest CD, Both Sides Now, the "S"'s are sibilant; it makes her sound like a snake. The same problem with Jacintha's voice on Autumn Leaves. I am somewhat in a quandry. What this cable does right in my system it does *right*. But I don't think I can live with the sibilance. So, I'll 'em another three or four weeks. I don't plan on returning them. If they wont work in my system now maybe they will in a future one. I like what these cables do right that much.
I have some comments regarding the super thin conductor cables that were all the rage a week or so ago. Previously, I commented that my limited experience with these products produced very poor bass. I checked out Silver Audio's website(who make KILLER cables), and they state the same thing. Coincidence? Anyway, I will be testing HomeGrown Silver Solution cables against some new thin gauge cables they are rigging up. They have tried thin gauge(MANY gauges, actually) in the past, and found the 22 gauge to be the best overall. But, they follow this site, and want to make the best product. As such, they have asked me to beta test the thin gauge cables. I will do this shootout, and let the chips fall where they may. As far as the 6 conductor cable(my dream of copying Kimber KCTG), they have not been able to braid six conductors. Solid core wire is too difficult to replicate KCTG with. Sad, as anyone who has heard KCTG is aware the bass is phenomenal. Me and a friend once did a comparison in his system with HomeGrown, Kimber KCAG, and Kimber KCTG. KCTG won hands down in the bass, with HomeGrown better through the rest of the audio spectrum. We surmised the solid core conductors were superior to the stranded(used in Kimber). So, I have always wished for a 6 conductor HomeGrown. Well, maybe one day... One step closer to the cable revolution!
Gallaine - You write a very informative review. I wish that I could express my thoughts as clearly. The sibilance seemed to start dropping out at a little over 200 hours on my pair and was not a problem past 225. I do not know how long you have been running them in. I started them out on the VCR but switched them to our mini system for the past few days playing the soundtrack to "Stuart Little" on repeat (it's the only CD that we have with techno bass on it). If I didn't mention it before my speakers are Castle Acoustic Isis (which I doubt anyone has heard since they were not widely distributed in the US). The amp is a Musical Fidelity X-A1, soon to bi-amped with X-A50's. The cables really make the MF shine. I am not familiar with your equipment. I hope that they work out in your system. Wouldn't it be nice to have generally accepted top notch cables at this price point? The industry would go scrambling. They have been very nice at Homegrown with all of my stupid questions regarding break in and how to avoid listening to it, etc.. Even though I use a power conditioner I still have sound fluctuations throughout the day. I cant wait to give them another listen around midnight.
I must agree. With the super silver in the system there is just that much more music there. Carlos