Better Speaker Cables for Apogee Ribbons

Dear Friends
Please,can someone help me to choose between:Cardas,Nordost and Analysis Plus cables,to my Apogee Ribbon Speakers?
My current Power Amp is the Pass X-150.
Famaraca, try emailing Nelson and see what he has to say. He is very familiar with the reactance involved with E-stat's as he used to run them himself. In the meantime, You can find some interesting yet technical reading on his site ( ) in the "articles" section under "cables". Hope this helps.... Sean
You didn't specify what Apogee speaker you have. The Divas work best with the Nordost SPM. Duettas may need the extra high end sparkle that the much lower priced Nordost Blue Heaven cables provide.

I suggest you check out the Apogee Acoustics User Group at

You will a find a lot experienced Apogee owners who are very willing to help. Check the topic out before you ask the question as it has been discussed several times on the forum.

Good luck,
Thanks for all opinions.My current Apogee is Caliper Signature,and I am looking for the Nordost Red Dawn.

Sorry to break the Cardas, Nordost, Analysis Plus mold, but I got the best results on my Duetta Sigs with Harmonic Technology Pro 9 bi-wires. They don't seem to have any real character of their own but provide a vice like grip on the bass. You may want to try them. Break in is about 80 hours.
I have a friend who owns a pair of Apogee Studio Grands who swears that my Silver Audio Hyaline speaker cable are the best that he's heard with Apogees.

Why not try posting on the Apogee User's Group ( where he lurks.