MIT and tubes

do these two go together, I use golden tubes amps with are very "tubey", also have a mcormack dna and am looking for a pass aleph, will they work with these, thinking about terminator 2's
My MIT 350 EVO interconnect has sounded supremely good with my Rogue amp, after I switched to triode. In triode mode, it has much more air and sparkle, and yet attack transients are not hyped, but explode from silence with even more intensity than in tetrode, and are even more natural in their presentation. And there is no cable anywhere that is as dynamic as this one. That's why Robert Harley used them as his reference for nearly a decade. I don't know what he sees in his new cable, but his system context has changed radically sense then......Of course, the power of my Rogue is cut in half in triode, and unlike what the Rogue salesman said, I DO notice that afterall..................Mkaes, Like with anything, try a cable before you buy...or at least buy used. Tm12 knows nothing about MIT cables, disregard his foolishness.
***And there is no cable anywhere that is as dynamic as this one.*** Another dimwitted post by my favorite imbecile Carl_eber. I guess you expect us to believe that you compared that MIT junk to every cable on the market. You've reached new heights in stupidity.
Phill, it's between Robert Harley, me, and you. I side with us. Why don't you tell me what is more dynamic than this interconnect, then, since you think you know so much? I've tried more cables than you, so why am I even answering you? There isn't a more dynamic interconnect, I'd bet my life on it.....................If you weren't such a sociopath, you might be able to continue on here. You're on your way out, though, and we're all gonna chuckle hard after you're gone for good!
Carl, I use Transparent, which I have never had a chance to compare with the MIT, I am assuming that since Transparent was started by some of the guys from MIT that they are close in character. Have you been able to compare models from the same price range. If they sound anything like the Transparent I will have to agree with you on the dynamics. Phill, you should be a shock jock, it is your calling.
Last year, I compared my MIT 330 SG ($750) to the most recent version of Transparent Reference ($2100) (RCA versions only), and the Transparent was very laid back and bright, but also "fast" and relatively clean. I've never heard a system with a Transparent speaker cable, or interconnect in it, that was NOT either of these things. In saying this, I'm relating my experience, and don't mean to diminish yours. The Transparent Reference I tried was well broken in, but still in new condition. It was both less dynamic and less natural sounding than even a much less costly Cardas Neutral Reference RCA, that I also tried at that time................................If it works best in your system, I have no problem with that. One thing I found, was that when I got acoustic treatments, the MIT was neutral and full, where before the Transparent was neutral with very little acoustic treatment, but also still not nearly as "full" sounding. I've not heard the top of the line Transparent Reference XL, but unless it is radically better than the Reference (and I mean unbelievably so), I don't see it competing with 350 EVO, unless the system in which it is indserted, is as about as dark as midnight on Pluto...and you also prefer not to hear the full dynamic envelope. Personally, I would chose the much less costly HT ProSilway 2 over Transparent Reference, since it had an even more extended treble, and a much more powerful bass, while retaining a midrange which was "missing in action". That is, if I wanted to get that kind of lifeless midrange, and give up the dynamics of the better MIT cables, which I don't. This is just me, Bob Harley (until recently), and perhaps a legion of others who apparently ignore this site.