Power Snake Mamba vs. Synergistic Master

Anyone had a chance to compare the Mamba vs the Master Coupler head to head? Opinions?
Actually..let me expand my query a bit. I am looking to upgrade from stock cords throughout my system. Not ready to spend major $$ yet, so basically looking at the ~ $ 200 price range (used). I was basically looking into the Master Coupler, the Shunyate Mamba (not the Black Mamba) and, after reading a few positive posts, the BMI Eel. I would satart with my pre-amp (BAT) and digital front end (Muse trnasport/DAC), then move on the the amps (Aronov monoblocks). Any recommendations from amongst these three cords? Thanks!
Though I've only recently been delving into the "super" PC cords, I would suggest one other candidate. The Coincident PC only retails for about 275, but is certainly in the league of those that you've mentioned. It isn't embarrassed going up against cords 2X or 3X the price. Regrettably, to really hear the wonder that is Shunyata, you have to go up to their Viper v.II /Cobra/King Cobra models, all significantly more money than you're contemplating. This isn't to say that the other models aren't worthy, just that there is a huge jump in performance when you get above a certain level. The same is true with the Synergistic line of PCs as well. If you can spend around 600 to 700, get the Shunyata Viper II or Cobra PCs. If you simply can't, then get the Coincident. Hope this helps more than confuses.
Hi Alexc; After putting in a dedicated AC and ground system, my whole system was too bright. So I put Syn. Res. on ALL four major components (amp, pre-amp, DAC, and transport) and the improvement was amazing. For the money, the Master Couplers are an excellent product. At the time I did this, I auditioned 6-7 other power cords-- including some $600-700. ones, and the MCs were the best in my system. Next I want to try the SR Reference MCs on sourse components, and maybe some Shunyatas. Good Luck. Craig.
I've been auditioning the Black Mamba on my Meridian 508.24 CD player. It replaces the Synergistic Research Master AC Coupler (which is a great power cord). I needed to make a decision today, because the auditioned Black Mambas are due back this week. Last night I switched them back and forth a few times. The Black Mambas were clearly superior. Deeper bass, more depth in the soundstage, quieter background, etc. Contact Wen-Li at eaudionet.com. he provides an excellent auditioning service and sends you a quality product to try. I just posted the Synergistic Research Master AC Coupler for sale, if you're interested.Good luck!
Alexc, I have 2 Masters on my Meridian front end and a BMI EEL reference on my Classe amp. Both PC's are excellent, I think the BMI is superior, more clarity for sure, great bass and a better soundstage than the SR's on the amp. I'm very happy with the SR's on the digital - a huge improvement over stock.