Bass Cable-Copper or Silver?

I'm looking for a bass cable for my speakers. I'm going to run Audioquest Clear S.E. to the Mids/highs. Was wondering what gave the better (to me better means faster/deeper bass)bass , pure silver, pure copper or silver coated copper. I would think the silver is best but am not sure.
DJ, a second AQ cable for bass like Forest/Midnight would be great, or if cost is no factor a second run of AQ Clear. I would not mix cable from another company, although I have seen some reviewers do this, this can be problematic. As to copper vs silver really the cable design is much more of a factor, but in general silver is faster more detailed, but well designed copper cable can sound faster more detailed than some silver cables, Sam
Agree with Sam: try to keep the same brand when biwiring. My general perceptions of silver: brighter & more forward. Copper: warmer & more rounded, which would seem to be a better bass cable for you. There is no "best" you just have to try them out per your personal preferences. I generally like copper better, but silver (interconnect) was by far preferred for my phono.
have you already bought the aq clear? if not, forget 'em. go w/ the best cardas or tara labs you can afford. if you already have the aq, you might think of cutting into, say, 3 ft. chunks and selling it as esoteric tie-downs for highend tents.
If DJ did choose to cut that into 3 foot lengths, some of us could pitch in and buy a few of them. Several 3 foot lengths should be just enough to tie your hands behind your back ( to keep from using your keyboard ), fill your oral cavity to shut you up for a change, tie your feet together so that you can keep from trying to stick them into your mouth and then one more to "hog-tie" your hands and feet together so that you would be defenseless against all of those that you've insulted when they kick the hell out of you. Grow up and post some helpful information without adding salt into the wound, will ya ? Sean >