Bass Cable-Copper or Silver?

I'm looking for a bass cable for my speakers. I'm going to run Audioquest Clear S.E. to the Mids/highs. Was wondering what gave the better (to me better means faster/deeper bass)bass , pure silver, pure copper or silver coated copper. I would think the silver is best but am not sure.
Thnx for the responses. I havent heard the A/Q Clears yet, I should get them in the mail in acouple days. Bought them used here on Audiogon. Selling my Purist Colossus because I need longer length. Figured if I dont like the Clear I can resell. I have B&W Matrix 800's that have 8 speaker post per speaker so I plan on running the Clear BiWire to the 4 mid/high post and a single run to the bottom set of bass post and use a jumper to the top bass. Not to many high end cable stores here in town to demo cables.(only Nordost-Kimber & Purist) so I gotta take a chance here. I think I will try 2 find a pair of Midnights or Forest. Thnx for the info. Anyone selling a 10-12' pair?
DJ, have owned B&W 801s for about 10 years. I've biwired them using Audioquest Dragon for Mid/ High and Audioquest Clear for Bass. Killer combination with Levinson 23.5. Good Luck!
Forgot to mention Bob Cohen at Cable Company (y'all likely know him) may offer some good advice/suggestions + you can try cables from the lending library for a negligible fee. Regarding the Sluggo sentiment: are you going to continue your abuse until Audiogon permanently kills these chat-sessions (they are quite fed-up with your ilk, as are most of us here). This is another perfect example of the reasons they're threatening to shut it down. Take your abuse to AudioReview; you'll have plenty of company. We're interested in helping & advising each other here, so please go away.
I just upgraded from an internally bi-wired pair of AQ Argnet+ to a double bi-wired run of Clear SE (feeding SF Guarneri Homage speakers). Biggest change (for me) was not so much tonal balance (though sibilance on bright recordings farmore subdued), but detail, air and soundstaging. AQ Clear is great stuff...and being sold second hand for a pretty decent price. I spoke with the folks at AQ last week, and they claim the new line is much better. Mayber so..but I think I'll "bottom feed" for a bit longer (next step -Diamonds!)
AudioMagic silver is giving me great results. Ran Spellcaster IIs and ICs with BAT gear. Before selecting, I auditioned Transparent, AQ, and Nordost. Very smooth with great bass depth/texture and delicate highs.