POWER: conditioners vs filters vs cords

OK. I've heard a lot of contradictory stuff on power accesories. I'm going to throw this out to the roundtable and hopefully clear up some of the fog. I've heard the following: 1) Most full blown conditioners ($500+) do everything better. They stabilize input power, clean up ground loops, filter noise and insulate against power surges. However, some compress dynamics. 2) Most surge supressor/filter units ($200-$350) clean up ground loops, filter noise and insulate against power surges. (but a good power conditioner makes the system sound better overall) 3) Good power cords kinda clean-up ground loops and kinda filter noise; their major advantage is a blacker background, better dynamics, soundstage and imaging. 4) If you have a full blown conditioner, better powercords are redundant and offer little advantage. Am I on the right wavelength here? I have a minor intermittent ground loop, and I know my power is a bit on the dirty side, infrasonic garbage wise. So the question is this: I want to improve my sound quality by cleaning up my power supply without blowing a small fortune. I'd like to invest between $200 to $400(list price) but I wouldn't be adverse to bumping the price to $650 if it REALLY makes a difference. What do you recommend? Your opinions on any part of this subject are welcome and product recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks, Morbius2130aol
looking for opinions? There are two products on the market similar to the Audio Prisim Quietlines. They are the Blue Circle Noisehound recently auctioned on this site by Simplymusic and the Enacom Filter that is available from UHF magazine audio store. see uhfmag.com It was reviewed in issue 54. Anyone with experience on either one? Steve
In my system I have acheived amazing improvement by eliminating all grounds and I mean everything. I might be setting myself up for being electrocuted but it might just be worth it.
Alberta_steve - I tried the Audio Prism Quietlines and found them to make no difference at all. I think their main action is to stop your in-wall power cable from acting as an antennae. In my case I have done a lot to provide a dedicated clean power source to my stereo and so others' experience may be very different.