Looking to get TT

I seeking getting into a first TT and would like help!
My current system is Classe 25 amp, Classe CP-60 pre, Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 D/A, Sonic Fontiers SFT-1 Transprt
and Martin Logan Ascent. My preamp doesn't have phono so I would need phono preamp to hook into my CP-60 so having explained my set and only wanting to spend no mor than $1000 on TT and phono pre can it be done?
Was thinkng going with music hall MMF-5 andCreek OBH-8 as this would be my first TT set up and total cost would be around $700. Is this going to give me many years of good sound? in the future I can go with phono card for my preamp.
Ron, I have the Kinks "Schoolboys in Disgrace" on Japanese also. I agree that it is my favorite Kinks album. Side 2 just knocks me out!

I don't have the DCC Aqualung.
I don't have any vertigo swirls either.

Guess I'd better start getting with the program!
Oh, I agree with Z that is about records and music and I appreciate a discussion of what music people enjoy, albeit a different topic than which began this thread. Sorry, it is just that the listing of titles, pressings, and conditions seems to often degenerate into one-upmanship. And where does that end?! :-) Now, if we are discussing our opinions of best sounding pressings of a particular title, let's compare!

BTW, I do own the fourth pressing of the second re-release of Led Zep 4. A classic!
It is refreshing to argue about records instead of gear for a change. How about let's us analog guys stick together. We are a smaller group than the digital brigade, so we have to represent ourselves in a way that will make people want to come aboard the "analog wagon". I like a good argument as well as the next guy, but between ourselves we should present a united "analog front" for the readers. Do you think that is a good idea?
Tom, I fully agree that the talk of music, as opposed to gear, is refreshing. Some of it does happen in the Music forum of this site, but not to the extent that it might regarding vinyl pressings or individual recordings.

I can't say that I understand what you mean with respect to a "united analog front", though. If you mean that we should espouse the virtues of vinyl and help try to "educate" those new to vinyl while sharing tips, tricks, and tactics among ourselves, we are in full agreement.

OTOH, if that means "sticking to a script" or following the somewhat disturbing trend of a few here who appear as sycophants, concurring with everything posted by their particular "camp guru", without much original thought or counter view of their own, I'd take issue. There will always be different points of view which is healthy, in vinyl or in digital. If democracy can withstand debate, so too can the vinylites! :-)

That being said, my love of vinyl is strong and I’d love to see a lot more give the platter a spin. If I have contributed negatively to this prospect on this site, I will gladly take my leave.

Of course, I might have totally missed your point, in which case I would quote Emily Littlela, "Never mind!"