Speaker Cable Matching.

I now need a double run of speaker cable for bi-amping. I will need to use my Kimber 4VS as a part of the run(s) to start, this is a given. I am considering an additional run of 4VS or instead mixing AudioQuest Type 2 (using the whole wire for the + or - terminal = 4 cables plus the 2 cable run of Kimber) or addding two single runs of AudioQuest Type 4. Will these two cables (manufacturers) work well together, or should I just stick with all Kimber? Also if I mix/match where would I run the Kimber - on the the HF or LF? After the final (for now) relocation of the equipment I now require 18ft runs - ouch! I like the sound of the Kimber 4VS but would not shy away from added warmth. I will wait to experiment with better cable until I can reduce the length of the runs.
Please, a little help with this one. Is mixing cables OK for LF and HF's? I will need to purchase this week as I would like this setup broken in and running by the 21st when my stepdaughter arrives for a visit. Thanks.
My experiences suggest that when bi-amping or bi-wiring, you will get the most coherent result if you stick to the same cable, same cable length and same connectors. Notwithstanding this you may be wishing to deliberately alter the relative characteristics of your speaker by using different cables - but that is up to you. I may have missed some of your quest Dekay, but are you using identical amps? If not, then different speaker cable will be a minor matter. If you are using identical amps then I believe the best sound would come from putting the amps right by the speakers and using very short links - but I suppose you must have already eliminated this previously.
RedKiwi: The amps are a Musical Fidelity X-A1 intergrated and a Musical Fidelity AS-100 X series power amp. I cannot place the equipment near the speakers for the time being, but would like to remedy this in the future (hopefully next summer if things go well). It is hard to second guess since the power amp does not arrive until Friday, but I am hoping that the fuller bass will round out the Kimber sound for me. I have not experimented with speaker cable other than the Kimber 4VS and some Transparent Wave stuff (that was a little too muffled for me).