Recommend a 20A power cord?

I am looking for a 20A power cord for my haven't decided power amp - probably a Jeff Rowland though.
I've been very happy with Synergistic Research Master Couplers on McCormack DNA-2DX. Craig
I have the Rowland Model 10 (which employs the digital switch mode power supply) and use the Model 11 from the Custom Power Chord Company (CPCC). It's reasonably priced ($300? for 4 feet) considering the state of high end audio. Check out the reviews in TAS of the Rowland Model 8Ti.
there is absolutely no comparison between the jrdg 8ti and the model 10. the former is a robust, earlier model that, IMHO, is head and shoulders above any of jeff's newer designs. as to the power cord issue: recognze the jrdg uses a female 3-prong connecter at the amp different from most other manufacturers. best find out if there's an "upgrade charge" to terminate correctly.
I have an eel reference custom 20AMP-IEC that works very well with my Krell FPB600. The match is perfect and the build of the eel and sound are impressive.
A 20 amp IEC ESP Essence is also a good choice as it works very well with solid state amps. I believe a new one is around $500 but you can get them used for half price. My FPB200 loves it.