Recommend a 20A power cord?

I am looking for a 20A power cord for my haven't decided power amp - probably a Jeff Rowland though.
A 20 amp IEC ESP Essence is also a good choice as it works very well with solid state amps. I believe a new one is around $500 but you can get them used for half price. My FPB200 loves it.
My response does not address any qualitatve differences between the Jeff Rowland Model 10 and Model 8T. I was pointing out that the TAS reviewer suggested that the Model 8T greatly benefited from the use of CPCC's after-market power cord. If we accept that observation- then by extension other Rowland power amplifiers may similarly benefit. As an owner of a Model 10, I have found this to be the case. In my experience, CPCC's Model 11 (20AMP-IEC) power cord provided a significant performance upgrade. Please consult TAS Issue No. 121 (p. 123) for a review of Rowland's Model 8T.
linkster has it right. i was very impressed listening to his system, including the cpcc cords and nordost cable/ic's. a combination well worth auditioning.
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