Uno Owners-Which speaker cable ?

I am receiving a pair of 1.5 Avant Garde Uno's. I need informed opinions on which speaker cable to buy. Thanks in advance for your help. Merry Christmas, Tim Reed
Ditto Shoemaker's remark: what is a 1.5 Version? Also, are you going to single, bi or tri-wire? The horns are so efficient and do not necessarily create "slap-back" upstream, you should first try single wiring with jumpers (better than the ones that come with the UNOs). Nirvana is excellent. I recently designed a recording studio with DUOs and is currenlty tri-wired as follows: KIMBER SELECT (Silver) on the large horn, NORDOST-SPM REF on the small horn, KIMBER SELECT (Copper) on the Sub. SYNERGISTIC Designer's Ref works well on the Sub. Although the PASS is a great Amp, you may want to try bi-amping with a a Tube Amp up-top (finesse)and a solid state Amp (slam)just for the Sub. Also, you should use high grade Power Cords on the Subs. I have had great experience with PS-AUDIO Lab Cables for the price. I am a dealer for Pro-Audio and custom install applications, let me know if I can help you out with any of the foregoing. Morever, please let me know what you have found that works. Avantgarde is awesome and will be a design option for my clients. Happy Holidays!
Hi Treed, Sorry but a 1.0 with a upgraded sub is still a 1.0 . There are no 1.5s. The current 2.0s come with a 217 or 225 sub and no matter witch sub its still a 2.0. Well the same is true for 1.0s. Also you can upgrade a 217 to a 217 pro, but not to a 225. Now don't get me wrong, a 1.0 with the upgraded sub is a great speaker, I know because I own a pair of same. Enjoy Shoemaker
Prostarsound and Shoemaker, go to the Avantgarde-USA website and click on prices. You will see four versions listed, the 1.5, the 2.0, the 2.1, and the 2.2. BTW, I went with Acoustic Zen Satori bi-wire speaker cables and Acoustic Zen reference interconnects. Outstanding!