Best wires for cost

What are the best wires/interconnects for the lowest cost!?
Granite Audio #470 silver ic's are incredibly transparent and fast. They let the signal through. You can call Don and set up a trial and get a price. As good as the Harmonic tech pro silwayII was, I kept the granite, feeling it truer to the signal. Beware, it will not candy coat the incoming signal, but you will hear all the music.
Kimber PBJ is a very good cable for it's price. But it's not good in longer (1.5 meter+) lengths. The shorter the better.
Rackon- Tubes, Trejla, you should check out the Vantage interconects, they have many of the virtues of Coincident but they are just better, and cheaper too.
Does anyone know a source on the web for the Belden 1701A Cat 5. I am going to try this since I am also wiring up my in-home network... Ehider, what terminations did you use and have you tried this in an XLR configuration? Solder or crimp??