MD108 Vs Day Sequerra

I currently have the Magnum Dynalab MD108 Tuner and very happy with this , My friend told me that the Day Sequerra tuner( don't know which model is the best?) is a MUCH better tuner than the MD108 in term of sound and resale value, whay you think about this and I have a hard time to find the Day Sequerra tuner,any suggestion or anyone what to sell?
I bought one of the last 6 ( as I was told ) Day Sequerra Tuners. There were in fact in Gibbsboro New Jersey. It lasted 2 weeks for me and I sold it. As I found out, It is NOT on par with the older Sequerra tuners and while it was a fine sounding tuner, small things annoyed me about it. All in all, I have owned a couple of 108 Magnums and find them to be all we could hope for. A bonus is that if you are not completely happy, buy some other tubes and swap them around. It is just as we all do with amps/preamps. They respond wonderfully with different tube brands and depending on your system and your music taste, you will most likely get to where you want to be. As for the older Sequerra..........I salute that tuner!!! As for the later Day Sequerra......missed the boat, in my humble opinion Franz "the tuner guy"
Thanks for all info, Mr. Reprince give me very good advise but I live in Canada, I will let you know next time I am in NY and will bring my MD108 with me and compare it with your DS. the DS have the Krell type faceplate, what does it means??? anyway thanks all the advise.
Tomho, there is a very narrow faceplate on the D-S that goes around the scope, LED readout and pushbuttons. The standard one appears to be a gloss black, but for people who wanted to match their Krell or C-J equipment's faceplates they also made faceplates in the Krell anthracite grey (which I have) or the Conrad-Johnson gold (maybe some others as well, but these are the only ones I've seen). I disagree with Franz about the D-S "missing the boat" (I think that's a little strong), although from what I've heard the original Sequerra tuner probably outperforms it in many respects, I guess that's his point of reference. His point about tube-rolling in the MD108 is excellent; I view that as an advantage, since I am something of a tubehead in my tastes.