Silver cables: W O W !!!

Just redid some Kimber PBJ cables into silver Kimber wire and I have to say the sound is just much happier! It (the SOUND) is more "tubey"... that is: sweet, creamy... All the high frequency sounds seem more friendly. I also tried to imitate the "silver hot,copper returns design, but that was really disappointing compared to the all silver. (Yes I wove the wire same as Kimber PBJ.. and used the PBJ RCAs for my 2 sets of 1 foot long silver creations) So NOW I think.. hummm silver speaker wires... but then I calculate the cost and shudder!
I agree totally. AS Trelja would tellya, I'm a silver junkie myself. Hey Trel, have you compared the Lace IC to AQ Diamond?
Yo G13! How've you been? I have not had any AQ silver cables in my current system. So, I have not compared them. I did use Lapis previously. Found it nice. I do like the dynamics of Silver Lace. Hard to find that in any cable. I also am a big fan of Silver Audio Hyacinth. Generally, I find that AQ cables(don't know about the new line) are quite neutral, so I think there's some different flavors available to us silver lovers. Hyacinth being quite smooth and liquid. Silver Lace sounding big, yet clear and liquid at the same time. AQ in the middle. Kimber KCAG/HomeGrown Super Silver/Wireworld(maybe) being more crystalline. I recently read a post(someone I respect, but now can't remember who it is...) who felt the Silver Lace to possess TOO much bass in his system. Bet there are a lot of people who would LOVE to try it in their systems because of that.
I got my system wired up with all Wireworld Gold Eclipse III, quite a nice improvment over KCAG.
Has anyone had any experience with Audioquest KE-4 silver cable, perhaps a double run to have a larger AWG? Curious how this cable might compare to some other silver cables.