Power/Line conditioner

I was given a Power/Line conditioner that was used on a large copy machine. It is from IEPS electronics model LC1500. This unit remanufactures the power and delivers it at a constant level. I've read that some of these type of units are "made" for stereo equipment, and this one was definitly made for office equipment. What information do I have to look for on the web site to tell if this unit will be beneficial to my system? The price was right, but I dont want to degrade from what I have now.
There is an earlier thread that talks about the APC stuff. It has something to do with the type of current it gives out. You could call APC I suppose or search threads on power conditioning.
Also thanks Cornfedboy. I was only familiar with the PS Audio. Seems to be the only one that gets talked about.
Thanks for all of your responses, I guess I'll stick with my Monster HTS 3500 for now.
Ton1313: Or check out the less expensive Monster HTS2000 which is "said" to sound better than the 3500 model. I purchased the HTS2000 model because of this feedback from the web. It was purchased new for $125.00, mail order.
Dekay would you share your experience with the 2000 and compare with other conditioners you have used. Thanks