ZuCable any Opinions

Any opinions on ZuCable ic's (Warmouth) or speaker cable (Julian). Sean Casey is connected with this new company. Sean used to be GM at Kimber. I beleive Sean had a hand in the Kimber Select line. Thanks
People asked for an opinion on these cables, they got one. I gave a fair reply to this cable question. I am not an advertiser, and an not affiliated with ZuCable in any way. I just took the chance to try these cables and am happy with them. You don't like it, go read somewhere else.
I just received my Firemine .75 meter digital cable. Without burn in it bettered the Stealth cable I was using. It is a stiff cable with good build quality. I am very happy so far.
Hey everybody, I compaired my Bi-wire Julians to DH Labs Q-10 Bi-wire. First I want to say that th DH Labs sound great, especially at their price point. I was ready to buy them until Sean @ Zu Cable emailed me, and asked to give their cables a listen. I am glad I did. The Julians are an excellent cable and if you read my review above, they did the same thing to the DH Labs (to a lesser degree than the Prism Bi-wires). After hearing these, I might have to give the Digital Coax a try.
Thanks for the first hand experiences. Very informative. I'm tempted to try the Julian's between my Baron and CLSes and move my AQ Midnight's to the subs.

And, Justy, how about NOT posting here? There was no "advertising" going on.
I just got my Firemine, and as Mi3941, with no break in this cable is great. It bested my Tara Labs CD-1 and a Balanced cable from Madrigal.