Best value for the buck speaker cables

Which speaker cables represent the best value to you?
I have found MIT to be the best. The recommendation by Sugarbrie to check out Audio Advisor is a good one.
Kimber Kable 8TC. Cardinal's advice, "to get the most value is to buy it used here on Audiogon" is VERY good advice. You can also try
As usual, I have to agree with Sdcampbell. Kimber 8TC is the one to beat, along with the former AudioQuest high end copper stuff(Type 6 up to Forest). I have also heard impressive comments on Analysis Plus(didn't hear the cables yet).
To get the complete list of MIT cables at; go to the web site; type in "terminator" in the search box; then pick any listing; at the bottom of the listing there will be a link that sais something like "show all products by MIT"; it will list everything they have. They has just about everything, from the inexpensive Terminator 5s up to the MH CVT stuff that run in the $thousands. Bi-Wire models also.