Best Silver ICs under 300?

From all the posts I've seen it looks like all silver wiring is the way for me to go (EVo amp, tube pre-amp, Talon Audio Khites, etc...). I need a lot of wire and can't afford the high-end wires, so what's a reasonable man to do if he wants detailed, musically envolving sound? What's the best silver cable at real-world prices?
I second Bean. Am using bearlabs now; I chose them over much more costly stuff (Nordost, Siltech).
What about Audio Magic ( Although I haven't used them yet myself I have heard great things about them. Also, they have lots of stuff to fit your budget.
Check out the Cableplex Nirvana Cables, they are custom made of silver plated copper and only available on ebay.
we tested them against $400 straightwire interconnects and
they are right there with them for a fraction of the price.
D H Labs have an excellant product line starting at $100. I owned there I.C. and speaker wires for years and tried them against a number of $300+ I.C.'s finding the DH Labs to be the best even at 1/3 the cost.