Best Silver ICs under 300?

From all the posts I've seen it looks like all silver wiring is the way for me to go (EVo amp, tube pre-amp, Talon Audio Khites, etc...). I need a lot of wire and can't afford the high-end wires, so what's a reasonable man to do if he wants detailed, musically envolving sound? What's the best silver cable at real-world prices?
Silver Audio makes fabulous and BEAUTIFUL cables. I believe you can find them used for under 300.00. The high end Appassionata costs a couple/few hundred more than your 300.00 limit as a new piece.

All models of Silver Audio cable will add air and detail to your music. The Appassionata goes one octave higher than the Jetstream. But.. the Jetsream has a little
better bass and is still amazingly ballanced throughout the frequency range. If you can find a used pair of Jetstreams I would recommend them as a first step.

Totally different sounding but silver also is the "old" Audioquest/Audiotruth Lapis X2 / X3 and Diamond X2 / X3. The Diamond is better thank the Lapis and provides a much more significant sound stage. But.. the Lapis is a fabulous cable none the less. I've used Lapis/Diamond in tube gear and Solid State gear with phenominal results. Seems if a cable is good, it sounds good in any combination. If you opt for the lapis (ranges in price between 100 and 300 depending on length) go with an X2 or X3 version of the cable. Earlier versions Lapis was COPPER and NOT silver. Be sure you don't make that mistake. Get the X2 or X3 (X3 is better/newer).

The Diamond is like I said, a much better cable overall and the price reflects that. A .5M pair can be had on audiogon used for around the 300.00 price tag.
Check out Stealth Cables in the Audiogon auction section. I'm using their gold interconnects and silver speaker cables, which I obtained for a fraction of the price of Nordost, Transparent, Tara top of the line cables, and I'm not sure that a better cable than Stealth cab be made.

Good luck.
Here's another vote for Homegrown Audio Silver Lace.
I have not found a better cable for the price. $189/meter
The only problem is that it sounds really bad for the first two days and then.....WOW!
Why are you limiting yourself to silver? There are plenty of ways of getting down the road... don't narrow your view of what is good or has certain sonic characteristics based upon one design parameter.
Oh... if I was going to answer your actual question though I would guess the Homegrown. I don't own a pair but I've had their Super Silvers in my system with pleasing results. I'm going to order a pair of the Silver Laces to compare with some homebrew cables I've been building and testing....