Which MIT cable b twn spectral eidolon

I have spectral; dma 360 monoblocks and am looking into Avalon eidolons. anice system for sure. I am auditioning several MIT cables (sorry all you transparent folk). I have so far found the cheaper MH 770 series II UL cable to be best. Definitely better than the Oracle matrix V2. I was curious if anyone else has nay input? I realize the whole cable question is highly personal and controversial but humor me, OK?
Try to get in touch with Joe Abrams ( equusaudio@aol.com)
Apart from being a nice person he is very knowledgeable in things Spectral/MIT. (Funny I found the V2 better on ESLs also with the 360s. But then, as you say, its a highly personal thing.
dear detlof,
how so?
I kind of thought the v2's were a bit darker although there was more separation around the voices. hmmmmm
That's interesting and I think you heard right. I own a pair of plasma tweeters, which I run separately with the ESL's which lighten up the voicing of the entire system considerably, if I want it that way and yes, I DID like the the voices and solo instruments like the violin better through the V2's. So I reckon you heard right, as far as my ears are concerned and the rest is a difference in taste, I suppose. Regards,
Dear Detlof,
OK...I am with you up until the part about the ESL's and the plasma tweeters. Pardon my ignorance but what are ESL's and especially how do you have a separate pair of plasma tweeters running
