Digital cable recommendations?


The EVS Millenium DAC II units are supposedly starting to ship, and I'm somewhere on the list. THis will be my first outboard DAC. I will be using a Pioneer Elite DV05 DVD player as a transport.

Can anyone recommend a good digital coax (with RCA) cable in the $100 - $200 price range? Cardas, JPS, EVS's own cable, or any other brands?? Any info is appreciated.


Gracias. I goofed on my message. I meant to say $100-$300 (new or used), and of course, I'd be happy to check into any cables that cost less than $100 if they're good.
Phild, I tried 6 different coax cables. Ensemble Digiflux, XLO, Monster, and Harmonic Technologies' Cyberlink Copper, Silver and Platinum. The Ensemble was incredibly smooth, but was just too "liquid" in my system. The XLO was voiced nicely, but was a bit grainy. Monster was bloated in the mid-bass. H. T. Cyberlink Copper was very similar to the XLO, without the grain. The "Silver" was better than the Copper, but a bit bright in the mids, though smooth. The Cyberlink Platinum was in a completely different league altogether. It was voiced beautifully, full bass with excellent pitch definition, clear, transparent mids, great high frequency extension without hardness. It should run you around $250, unless you get one second hand through Audiogon. of course there are other very good quality digital cables around, but IMO the Cyberlink Platinum is a sure thing in most systems. Good luck, let us know how it turns out for you.
I have a Kimber Illuminations D-60 at 1.5 meters that sounds absoulutely gorgeous. Has incredible detail and presence. Paid $205.00 on the used market. Like anything else in the audio biz synergy is everything.

hope this helps.

Try LAT International. They use an alloy of copper and silver (not silver plated copper) that combines the sonic benefits of silver with the economic benefits of copper. they are the best quality cables I have used and the least expensive as well!
Try Apogee Wide-Eye. It's available at pro/music shops. Street price for 1 meter is about $30, yet it's competitive with all but the best. This Apogee is not the old ribbon speaker maker, but instead is the major player in digital converters for the pro market.