Digital cable recommendations?


The EVS Millenium DAC II units are supposedly starting to ship, and I'm somewhere on the list. THis will be my first outboard DAC. I will be using a Pioneer Elite DV05 DVD player as a transport.

Can anyone recommend a good digital coax (with RCA) cable in the $100 - $200 price range? Cardas, JPS, EVS's own cable, or any other brands?? Any info is appreciated.


Mapleshade Double Helix digital cable ($125.00 new and a 30 day return policy).
Ric's own EVS digital cable for $75.00 is a steal for the performance. The cable is very detailed, yet not sterile. It presents the music as a cohesive whole, not fragmented.I've been using my digital cable from EVS, since my first DAC I purchase. NOTE: I'm waiting for my unit to be upgraded from a Millenium DAC IB to II status. Good luck. Let me know when you receive your DAC and how you like it.

After, trying all the above you want to try acoustic zen mc=squared.Compare this to the best of the above cables and you will find it is a real smoker.