newbie turntable/speed control question

Hi, I'm basically new to good audio (I've spent most of my life collecting software, and haven't paid much attention to hardware until lately).

I'm currently using a Thorens TD 125/II with the stock Thorens arm. I want to trade up--I loved the Michell Gyrodec SE I heard a while back--but also want to balance great sound with one feature that I hope won't be considered silly here: convenience. What I mean is that I want a two-speed turntable where I can change from 33 to 45 without lifting off a platter and adjusting the belt. I have a collection of over 1000 7"s, a good number of which are 33 rpm, and the idea of lifting off a platter to switch belts every 5 minutes (or the idea of arranging my listening by record speed) makes my Thorens seem a lot nicer than it sounds.

So I'm wondering if anyone can let me know which high-end turntables include a speed control switch? This is something that I almost never see mentioned in reviews (hopefully this omission isn't because most turntables don't have speed control switches these days!). I know the Regas don't, and the LP-12 Lingo does, but apart from that I'm at sea.

Any advice and/or thoughts appreciated. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I don't need any more convenience than this! I'm happy without a tonearm lift, auto shut-off, strobe, etc.
Many thanks, again, to everyone for responding.

Rockinroni, that Aurora TT does look nice, and certainly seems a good price. Do most DC motors these days allow this sort of speed switching? (Isn't this how the Lingo upgrade on the Linn changes speeds?) Or, I guess, I could always swap that Origin Live DC motor into another turntable.
Well Tempered TTs also use the 2 size pully system and just sliding the belt up or down on the pully will change the speed.
Yes, you could do the dc motor up grade.
I used to use and still have a Systemdek turntable, it needed upgrading. I decided to get a new Rig instead of getting a new arm/cartridge and doing the motor upgrade.

something you should consider while shopping for a turntable is.
look at this thread;

Strange Tonearm Tweak. Long

Good luck and just remember compared to good Analog CD sucks