Hum a problem with Planar 25/ Grado cartridge?

Disappointed with Planar 25/Elys combination. Dealer said cartridge needs break-in period of a couple of weeks. Have always preferred Grados but understand there to be a hum problem with this combination and not with the Rega cartridges. Ideas about Rega carts vs Grado and the hum?
FWIW, I'm currently running a P25 with a Dynavector 17d2 MkII cart and have had no problems with hum (very low output mc).

Have a 25 mounted with a super elys, very happy with it.

Have also heard to avoid grado with a rega.

Have heard that dynavector is a good match with rega.
Your dealer is probably right about the break-in. You can speed up this process with the Cardas Sweep and Burn-In record, but follow the instructions (check out their web site).
I just saw this and no doubt you've received answers. But in the likelyhood you have not, I have the answer.

Shielding. It's no more or less than this.

Most of the lower end Grado cartridges are not shielded, which is probably why they sound so good in their midrange. And the other have of the equation is Rega, they do not shield their TT motors. Hence, Hummmmmmm.

This is the problem. But there is an answer. Mu-metal. You may have been told about this. You can send away for this Mu-metal kit, $75, and you apply it to your TT and all humm or 90% is gone. Any remaining is very negligible.

I've been through this whole process so it's not hearsay or conjecture or whatever. It's honest truth. Repair techs as well as knowledgeable dealers agree and confirm.

Also, it's not only Rega tables, many others fit this category of having not shielded motors (or more specific, transformer in the motor section). I just experienced this same problem you are asking about with a grado silver cartridge and a Pioneer PL-550 TT. That wonderful humm.

The Grado actually sounds so good that I choose not to let the humm interfere with the good things the Grado produces. If you don't play music too loud it's really not too bad of a problem. But if you're insistant on keeping the Grado, buy the Mu-metal kit. You'll be happy. Oh, there's one other cure, and much better in my opinion, that is, if your system can take it--MC cartridge. Much better any day of the week than a MM cartridge (imo).

Hope this helps.