Holographic Imaging- Cable suggestions?

I've been doing a little cable experimenting lately. I replaced my Pre-Power amp interconnect (Transparent Super) with another (Stealth PGS). The main improvement was high frequency extention, unfortunately, I lost some of the holographic imaging of the Transparent cable. Of course, I want both qualities. Should I consider going up-level in the Transparent line or try another brand of cable?
I take that back. In MY system Transparent really made a difference once I had wired the entire chain. Everybody has an opinion.
As an update to my previous post, I would also agree with "No money" that there is a definite synergy in the Transparent cables and that they perform at their best when the entire chain is done.
no money, My system contains mostly digital cable. I'm using Stealth Varadig, which I like a lot. The two analog cable's are Transparent Super & Stealth PGS. The Spk. cable is Transparent Super as well. What I'm attempting is to do is extend the high frequency and retain the holographic imaging. Adam