Absolutely Amazing Absolute Power Cords

Is it just me or has anyone else ever felt amazed after hearing a low-priced power cord breathe new life into their formerly congested sounding over-priced cosmetically corded system? WAIT!! I know the answer because the question has been asked before......but probably not about the Absolute
Power Cord. I wondered if anyone else has tried this particular cord and what their impressions were. Thanks
Dkarmeli, I have no experience with GTT audio, and unless you see my add for a Electr-glide Fatboy as competion I have no intrest in there bussiness. I'm an Audio lover, and I don't like games!
JD understand your concern, but these are legit, no bull.
These are not generic hospital cords.

* NEW INFO * just posted by GTT Audio, explains the design/construction of these cords, says Dave Chesky uses these in his studio, also price just went up to $49, go to link below for the story.

JD: I do not have the energy (though I do have the time) to audition a dozen or so dirt cheap power cords. I believe that what has happened with this product is that one particular cord has been found that has superior sound. I would not expect any company that is not a nonprofit one to sell an item at cost, so do not see a problem with the selling price. I also do not feel that the cords will replace the BMI cords that I am breaking in, but am just looking for something more than decent (at a very low cost) to try on the other weak links in my system as I cannot afford to purchase three additional BMI cords at this time. I will of course give them a try on the other components, but will be happy to just use them to upgrade the PC's on my power conditioners and maybe the amp in our second system (these are the areas that I consider to be the weak links). If you would like to try the various under $5 cords (out of curiosity) email me and we can arrange to have you borrow one of my Absolute cords (not yet received) to do the comparisons. I am sure that you realize that most of them will probably suck, but you never know there could be a winner in the bunch (just like the Aiwa CD changer that has been discussed recently these things do come up now and then). I do find some discrepancies between the first and second press releases regarding the history of the cord, but I also find such discrepancies in many of the novels and other material that I read (including newspapers and magazines), and they could just be mistakes and/or a poor choice of wording. The true test to me will be how the cords perform in my setup and I have PC's from four different manufacturers on hand to compare then to.
Thanks Dekay for keeping your wits about you, I have no doubt these cords make a difference. I will back off now that they have "disclosed" a story. Given the length of time it has taken to disclose the final version and add the mysterious green dot that has disappeared, I think people can made an informed decision.
Thank you GTT for telling the real story, you could have saved me a lot of time and maybe you some bussiness by telling it straight up front.
>> Given the length of time it has taken to disclose the final version and add the mysterious green dot that has disappeared, I think people can made an informed decision.<<

JD, what are you talking about, mysterious green dot that disappeared? All hospital grade plugs and outlets sold in the US must have the green dot. The dot is a sign of quality, not cheapness. If you look carefully some of your beloved cords that come with hospital grade Hubbell plugs have the same green dot too, nothing mysterious. Searching the web, you're going to come across many sites that carry very similar looking products, with the green dot, yet Hubbells are 4 to 6 times more expensive, does that mean that people are scammed paying $20 when they can buy similar looking wall outlets for less than $4 on the net? I suppose you think we're not informed enough about wall outlets either and you'd like to post a few of those cheap sites here too.

You have never met Parish, nor have you ever seen or heard one of his cords, yet you took it upon yourself to enlighten us all? You based all your accusations and went ballistic solely because of some Mama's sarcastic post and your baseless suspicions of members who initially started the thread? You unjust crusade is unjust and personal.

The following could even be grounds for a law suit:

>>I am disgusted by the approach of creating excitement, hyping a product to sound like a bargain while the guy inflates the price to $39.95, now $49.95. That is a 2000% mark-up. Now I realize there are $500 cords made with $10 parts, but they are hand made and researched with audio being the only user. I would rather pay a guy $50.00 - $100 for an honest hour producing something than $46.95 for being underhanded in his approach.<<

If I was Parish, I'd hit you for deformation of character if nothing else. You stop just short of calling the man a thief. Do the math $500 - $10 = $490, Parish is shooting himself in the foot by not decorating his cords to your liking and losing out on an honest $490 an hour. Let's see $10 cost, $500 sell, that's an honest 5000% markup you're willing to pay someone, but Parish is a crook for charging $39.95?

You seem to think that the cords just magically appeared on his doorstep one day, and he had no expense and time invested in researching, developing, finding a manufacturer for a musically sound cord; according to establishments like Chesky Productions and honorable Pulitzer winning composer and piano virtuoso, George Walker and other highly regarded musicians and technicians, let's not forget the many experienced fellow audiophiles who bought the product and vouch for Parish and his cords; and still sells for $40. Then there's the little matter of talking to customers, procuring, packaging and shipping the cords. I'm not sure about you, I see more than an honest hours work here.

JD, don't you think Parish deserves a formal apology and should be commended for his restraint.