Has anyone heard the new LAMM L2 preamp?

I presently own a pair of LAMM 1.1 monoblock amplifiers and am considering the purchase of a new preamp. Has anyone tried the new Lamm Referance L2 preamp in there systems? I am also considering the CAT ULTIMATE preamp which is my second choice and is far less money.Your help would be appreciated!
DKarmeli, I am looking into the Sonic Frontiers Phono One SE
at the moment. But will consider other phono stages.
I have never enjoyed the SF products. The Aesthetix I/O is one of the best, especially if you use low output cartridges. The CAT also has a fairly nice phono stage already built into the ultimate.
tgraaf, I believe Vladimir is coming out with his own phono stage in the very near future, you might want to look out for this! In the meantime, I've been using the EAR 834P with great success, I believe Vladimir has used this with his electronics in the past and thinks highly of it. It is tube-based of course, and quite inexpensive ;-)
Dkuipers: I am sure everyone knows someone who has had problems with some equipment here and there, but for someone to call it junk is not only irresponsible, but it is also immature. I know someone that had major problems with some Lamm equipment does that make it "junk"? I think not. I know better than condemning an entire line based on one person's problem. Lamm equipment is excellent as is Aesthetix.

Tgraffair: BTW, if you have any questions regarding quality and reliability of the Aesthetix equipment, ask Albert Porter.