Is computer audio a bust?

In recent months, I have had several audio acquaintances return to CDPs claiming improved SQ versus their highly optimized computer transports (SS drives, external power supplies, etc, etc).

I wanted to poll people on their experiences with computer "transports." What variables have had the most impact on sonics? If you bailed on computers, why?

I personally have always believed that the transport, whether its a plastic disc spinner or computer, is as or more important than the dac itself and thus considerable thought and energy is required.

Eventually, if the techno-dust settles, I might become persuaded to migrate to a dedicated music server, such as the Bryston BDP-2, or hypothetical follow-on device that supports data rates higher than 192K... and a large internal solid-state storage option.
Bryston BDP-2 buffers data in memory (I believe at least 1 track) before play so SQ should not be dependent on data storage device.

Wired ethernet network has had the most impact on sonics ...
Try replacing your generic with AQ ethernet cable.

I am still interested in trying the Lampizator transport with my Lessloss DAC for comparative purposes because I am told the wifi is superior to wired Ethernet. Not sure I buy that statement completely though as Resolution Audio states the opposite with their Cantata.
IMO, that's BS!
07-15-14: Audiolabyrinth
I believe computer audio is a passing fad, computers do not have quality capacitors, transformers, power supplies,not balanced, no real analog section,then there is the endless Rabit hole of having this and that software etc.., I know many that have returned to Dacs and cd-players., computer audio will go in the way of sacd!

Lord have mercy. That will start the ball
Thank you JoeCasey, interesting about BDP-2 buffering capability. Are you talking about Ethernet from server to DAC? BDP-2 does not have RJ45 out, and Aeris does not have RJ-45 in.

I saw but did not get to listen to a new SOny HAP integrated music streaming device at a local dealer recently.

One of the nicer looking and seemingly simple and affordable digital home audio gadgets I have seen recently.
Computer audio is a passing fad, just like sex and marijuana (not necessarily together, but not necessarily not together). You wait - in 5 years, nobody will want any of the three. You heard it here first.